There exist today numerous sources for religious content ranging from large well-funded web pages, video messages, live television and radio programs supported by large religious organizations and small web pages with post from one person or a small group of people with similar beliefs. Many of them attempt to attract people with their message of various beliefs and doctrines.
They seem to be attempting to attract followers to support their organizations through donations. Many seem to have very similar beliefs and doctrines with some variations trying to foster an image of a unique position relative to other religious organizations and groups. Some are very formal and have well organized web sites, printed materials and formalized structured religious writings and teachings by persons with advanced degrees in theology, archeology, languages, history and various fields of knowledge. There writings are impressive and seem to be scholarly.
Then, there are those small sites and groups claiming to be unique in their understanding of scriptures perhaps not as professional or as scholarly as large religious organizations but dedicated to presenting their uniqueness to those they can attract. These groups seem to have a common thread in their messages and that is they seek support from others to help them maintain their programs.
Religious programs in the English speaking countries of the world mostly seemed to be based on the scriptures as printed in the various versions of the Bible of the English language. However, some competing doctrines have developed by various religious groups on the same subject, an example is baptism. Some groups endorse full immersion in water while others teach a sprinkling of water is the correct method of baptism. On that same subject, some groups teach baptism should not occur until an individual has reached the age or state of accountability. Each group teaches that baptisms is a crucial doctrine for salvation yet differ on a method or technique that is acceptable to a superior being that they proclaim can provide an eternal life for the soul of a departed human being.
Another doctrinal difference of significance is the commandments in the scriptures. Some religious groups teach that the Commandments listed in the Old Testament are not valid after the death of the Son of the Father Creator, because his death wipes away the sins of his believing followers. Other groups teach that the Commandments are still valid today and it is necessary to adhere to them if salvation for departed human souls is to be achieved. Within the latter group, there is disagreement on the significance of the third Commandment concerning the use of a Hebrew name of the superior being and his Son.
The history of mankind is filled with events that have occurred as a result of religious beliefs and have occurred over time resulting in calamitous results. The lives of many humans have been cut short, nations have been destroyed, and societies have been drastically modified because of religious beliefs or non-beliefs. One religious belief that has in the history of man was the doctrine of real presence held by the Roman Catholic Church.
Real Presence, expression of the belief among certain Christians, especially Roman Catholics and some Anglicans, that the actual presence of the body and blood of Jesus is in the Eucharist.
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition Copyright © 2013, Columbia University Press. Licensed from Columbia University Press.
Most people today don’t think much about religious history, they live their lives largely oblivious to the history of religion and its effect on the modern world or the latter days written in scriptures. People have died trying to exercise their religious beliefs and many today are not slightly interested in how religion has shaped their current lifestyles. How many people realize how the United States became the most powerful nation on the earth presently?
Why does the United States have its laws based on English common law and how did English common law come into being? The United States, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand the Scandinavian countries are largely populated by people popularly known as Caucasians, where did they come from and how are they related?
For those who seek to know the scriptures and history provide answers to not only the history of man but also the future of mankind. The future of mankind is referred to in many cases as prophecy and the prophecy of mankind’s future bears little resemblance to the prophecy that is taught by the forms of religious beliefs that exist today in religious groups.
There are several sources of studies that reveal the history of Caucasians where they migrated from and their rich histories. In what the scriptures have labeled the latter days there are prophecies regarding several nations populated with Caucasians and the relevance of their future and how the future of some of the nations will affect the world in the future of the people of the world. There should be no misunderstanding about the Creator of all things regards the different types of peoples on the earth. The Creator has plans for all nations, tribes and nations that could mean an eternal peaceful existence which is described in the scriptures.
It is important, however, to understand that an eternal existence, which the scriptures reveal, is not automatic and there are consequences for not understanding and following the scriptures. Sadly most people will not read or try to understand the scriptures let alone the instructions to a happy,peaceful and physical existence, but also a possible eternal life filled with experiences described in the scriptures that mankind has never experienced.
Many teachings in these latter days minimize the significance of a greater creator being and teach that mankind is the highest form of life that has come into existence through a process that has come to known as evolution. These teachings attempt to dissuade people from believing in a superior form of being that has created the earth, the Heavens, the universe and all creation. That theory has no form of proof except limited examples of evolution within a species. Yet this theory has become accepted by large numbers of people of how man has developed.
While there are many writings concerning the future of mankind there are few, if any, that put together the history of man emphasizing the example of the tribes of Israel as portrayed in the scriptures as it is related to the present and future of mankind. Few writings or religious teaching reveal that the Messiah came to earth as a human not to save the world’s population, but by his own scriptural written words was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Matthew 15:24. Not only was the Messiah sent only to the lost sheep of Israel he sent his disciples to the lost sheep of Israel. Matthew 10:6. This is not the message people hear in religious writings and services around the world in these latter days, but it is clearly written in the Bible.
The parables used by the Messiah present another paradox with modern religious teachings because the Messiah proclaimed he did not want all people receiving his words to understand those words. Luke 8:10. These scriptures are clear that the message of the Kingdom is not for everyone; words attributed to the Messiah himself. This, of course, should raise the question in people’s minds about why the Messiah, the Son of the mighty Creator being, whose name they have been taught is God, would only be sent to the lost sheep of Israel. People should wonder who are the lost sheep of Israel and why are they the only ones to which the Son of the Creator being sent, his Son with the message of the Kingdom of Heaven, and just what is the message of theKingdom of Heaven.
The answers to these and many other questions people fail to ask are revealed in the scriptures, although not always in plain easy to understand form.
Wouldn’t it be something if the teachings in the scriptures turned out to be true? What if Mankind and all that exist were indeed created by a superior being or beings and those beings had a grand plan for mankind and all creation? The scriptures reveal just such a scenario and much more, but most will not read or heed the scriptures. What if a superior being or beings have a plan and revealed that plan to man, in writing, say in a book like the Bible, and instructed men to read the Bible in order to escape the fate nonexistence for an eternal life of happiness and joy with no sickness, death, war pain, selfishness or sickness that mankind suffers in the physical world?
This web site will present various writings aimed at explaining the scriptures in an understandable interesting method. There will be no solicitations for money; there will be no attempt to save your soul, only articles to help people understand the scriptures and the plans of the Creator being and his Son. The articles are not aimed at undermining any group or individuals. The only purpose is to help people understand the possible bright happy future that can be available to them, but only if certain human behavior is practiced, followed and accomplished.