The articles of YNCA use several versions of the English Bible, which mainly use false names of the Father Creator and his Son. This is done in the belief that most readers are not familiar with names of the Father Creator and Son of the Universes and all that is made in creation.
The articles of YNCA will explain the true correct names of the Father and Son and their importance to the Creators and his plans for the human population. The plan for the earth is contained in related scriptures.
It is our belief that the English Bible is the most important book in the history of the world; however it does have some serious errors including the incorrect names of the Father and Son. These false names have been taught for centuries and their continued use will, according to the scriptures, lead to permanent death.
The scriptures do reveal for some everlasting life in a spirit form is possible, however achieving everlasting life according to the scriptures is not achievable by using the false names of the Father and Son. The scriptures reveal the Creators plan for humankind and it is not what is taught by popular religions around the world.
YNCA articles reveal the true correct names of the Father and Son, but is by no means the only source of learning the correct names of the Creators and sustainers of all creation and life. Their correct names can be found in Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias and various scholarly writings.
Why do the various versions of the English Bible have false names of the Father and Son in their pages? The answer is complex and to verify serious study is needed to learn how the scriptures were translated incorrectly and transformed by man’s religions into the biggest and most serious lie ever. This erroneous use of false names for the Father and Son can lead to eternal death and not eternal life according to the scriptures.
Why has an all-powerful, all knowing Creator allowed his message of salvation for humans to become twisted deceiving billions of people? The answer is revealed in the scriptures and that is why YNCA writes these articles explaining the plan of salvation for humankind as revealed in the scriptures. The creator has revealed his plans for humans to achieve everlasting life, in the scriptures and a casual reading of the Bible, you will not learn them. listening to an occasional sermon or even multiple sermons and the writings of scholars and theologians who make their living from erroneous teachings and writings.
The Creator and his Son want humans to have an eternal life of happiness, with no sickness, war or selfish people trying to hurt anyone or take their possessions. A life free from worry or harm lived in peace. His plan for such a life is revealed in the scriptures, which sadly most people do not study enough to understand.
It is usually very difficult for people to break away from popular religious beliefs they have been taught. It is also difficult for people to look outside their human lives and accept the existence of an all-powerful creator who they cannot physically see or touch.
The Creator knew all this and will show mercy to many who are not deliberately wicked in their physical lives, however these people will not inherit eternal life until they know and abide by the rules and laws established by the Father and Son. Many people will not take the time to study the scriptures to learn how to obtain eternal life before they die. That is why the scriptures reveal the resurrections. Shocking as it may sound no one will go directly into the Kingdom of Heaven upon their physical death, no matter how many times and ways religious leaders proclaim that false teaching, which is not in the scriptures. If that were true there would be no need for a resurrection of the dead. Revelation 20:11
The Creator wants all, who are not wicked, to have everlasting peaceful lives and he realizes not all will work toward that goal because they don’t believe and don’t want to take time from their lives to study and learn about how to achieve eternal life.
He has taken that into consideration and will in the future destroy the distractions in people’s lives; in order that they may devote their time to learning how to realize eternal life. Sadly not all will choose to accept the path to eternal life, but the Creator will still be merciful and will not commit them to eternal torment as taught by many religions. That is why the scriptures reveal the second death which is a merciful end to a physical life of selfishness and misery. Revelation 21:8
To assist in your studies there is a modern version of the Old Testament that does use the correct name of the Father in its writings called the World English Bible. This version is available online at no cost and is based on the 1901 version of the 1901 American Standard Version of the English Bible. It can also be purchased on line, however anyone can substitute the correct names of the Father and Son in the English Versions of the Scriptures once they learn and accept their importance.
YNCA does not sell or endorse any single version of the English Bible, but does use mostly the New International Version, New American Standard and Revised Standard Versions of the English Bible plus the Hebrew and Greek Interlinear scriptures.
There are many people who vehemently deny the use of the true name of the Father Yahweh and the Son Yahshua, but study this subject for yourself. Start by reading the YNCA article (How the Creators Name was changed and why you should care)
YNCA studies the scriptures and attempts to make the scriptures more understandable to those who wish to learn about the Creators plan for their future. YNCA does not make a living from its writings and they are not for sale. These articles can be used to learn, but are copyright protected and cannot be altered or used by others for sale or as their distributed materials for seeking funds or donations.