A politician who professed his strong Christian beliefs while in a political party Presidential campaign was asked by child why he did not believe in science. The young girl had been prompted to ask this by an adult standing close behind her. The implications behind this question and the manner in which it was asked […]
Yearly archives for 2014
How to recognize an Idol
Most people in modern western society today are probably not aware they are engaging in or have engaged in the worship of idols. While people live their everyday lives in modern western society they unknowing violate a command from the Almighty Creator many of them don’t acknowledge even exist. Many of these people attend […]
There are some widely held misconceptions and popular beliefs that people have concerning the concept of a spiritual life after death of the physical body of humans. Most popular religions believe in some sort of paradise in which a departed soul from the physical body dwells forever if the physical human has “salvation”. In general […]
Mistaken J
Often heard in the churches of our land is the refrain sung about the Savior, “There’s something about that name…” In our English-speaking world we have been taught that the saving name of the Redeemer of Israel is “Jesus.” So accepted is this name that few stop to consider its authenticity. But the truth is, there is […]
The Rapture
Many considering themselves religious saved Christians have been taught by their ministers that they will escape the great tribulation by being raptured and lifted into the air to meet the returning Messiah. However, scriptures reveal another fate is in store for them. Matt 24:29-31 29 “But immediately after the tribulation of those days the SUN […]
What if the Bible is Correct Concerni...
The scriptures reveal Elohim’s plan for mankind, yet most people today don’t have the knowledge of his plan and the great importance that it holds for them, their family or friends. Throughout man’s history there have been conflicts, wars, and murders in search of power. Man has tried to overpower others to become […]
Winter Solstice: Facts on Shortest Da...
Why winter starts today, and the solstice’s Christmas connection. An Iranian fruit seller calls for customers during Yalda, a celebration marking the winter solstice. Photograph from AP Brian Handwerk for National Geographic News Updated December 22, 2011 Today is the winter solstice and the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s all due […]